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7SIGNAL Extends Linux OS Coverage | Press

Written by Kelsey Rizzuto | Nov 9, 2020 5:57:03 PM

New Linux OS coverage provides visibility into digital experiences, wireless device and IoT performance issues and connectivity failures.


Cleveland, OH – 7SIGNAL®, the leader in enterprise wireless experience monitoring, today announced the general availability of Mobile Eye® for Red Hat, Debian, Ubuntu and their respective derivatives. The new release provides complete visibility into the end user experience on a variety of Linux clients including internet of things (IoT) devices throughout a number of industries including medical, retail and manufacturing.

The global Linux Operating System market size is projected to reach $15.64 billion by the end of 2027.

“General Linux support opens much needed Wi-Fi performance visibility into Linux devices beyond thin clients,” said Jim Vajda, CWNE #183 and Director of Global Wi-Fi Solutions at 7SIGNAL. “Now, client-side visibility can be extended to other critical Linux clients, which are usually a black box to the enterprise, such as medical devices in hospitals and industrial devices in manufacturing.”

Handheld computers and wireless devices pose a huge challenge for wireless networks. Organizations are finding tremendous value in a wide array of handheld computers from companies like Honeywell, Zebra, Spectralink and others to streamline their operations.

However, as is the case with other IoT devices, handheld computers are often only as good as their network. “More clients mean more demand on Wi-Fi networks, some of which already struggle with capacity issues,” added Vajda. “This can lead to poor application performance and dropped connections, among other potential adverse effects.”

Organizations all over the world are turning to Mobile Eye from 7SIGNAL to solve these problems.

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7SIGNAL® is a leader in enterprise wireless experience monitoring. 7SIGNAL provides a cloud-based platform that continuously monitors wireless networks and identifies elusive performance issues impacting application performance and digital experience. By taking the “outside-in” approach to monitoring 7SIGNAL has visibility into the edge of any enterprise or home Wi-Fi network where complex device interaction exists, and user experience matters most. The platform maximizes employee productivity, operational efficiency and network ROI. Sapphire Eye® and Mobile Eye® are designed for and deployed at the world’s most innovative organizations, educational institutions, healthcare systems and government agencies. Learn more at

