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7SIGNAL's Support at the Grand Opening of Sphere Las Vegas

Written by Don Cook | Oct 10, 2023 3:01:13 PM

The Las Vegas skyline welcomed the 7SIGNAL team with anticipation and excitement as we converged to offer our unwavering support to our esteemed customer, Madison Square Garden, during the historic grand unveiling of the extraordinary Sphere. This iconic structure promised to seamlessly blend architectural and technological innovation, and we were honored to be part of this momentous occasion. 

On the evening of Friday, September 29th, the world watched in awe as the grand opening of Sphere unfolded. The stage was set, and the legendary U2 took center stage as the opening act, heralding the beginning of an unforgettable weekend of festivities. Yet, the true star of the show wasn't merely the performers on stage but the Sphere itself—a masterpiece of innovation that pushed the boundaries of human achievement.



Sphere stands as an architectural marvel, unparalleled in its scale and ambition. At its core, this colossal structure boasts a remarkable 16K resolution LED screen that envelops its entire surface. It's a visual masterpiece that redefines the possibilities of immersive entertainment experiences. However, Sphere is not merely a visual spectacle; it's a revolution in the way we engage with live entertainment. 

With a seating capacity for 18,600 spectators, Sphere immerses its audience in a world of unparalleled video and audio experiences. Yet, Sphere's innovation doesn't stop there. It introduces groundbreaking 4D physical effects, including motion, vibration, scent/olfactory, water sprays, wind/air, snow, fog, strobes, lightning, and bubbles. It's a comprehensive sensory journey that elevates the concept of live entertainment to uncharted heights. 


As the grand opening of Sphere unfolded, the 7SIGNAL team, represented by Marko Pirinen, Christine Braelow, and Orkyde Bina, was present on-site, providing invaluable support to the dedicated Sphere team. Our mission was clear: to ensure that guests had a connected experience that was commensurate with the innovation and sophistication of this entertainment giant. 

In an era where connectivity is a fundamental part of the live entertainment experience, we recognized the paramount importance of keeping Sphere's 18,600 spectators seamlessly connected to the digital world. Whether it was sharing their awe-inspiring experiences on social media, staying in touch with loved ones, or accessing exclusive content, Sphere's audience deserved nothing less than a robust and flawless Wi-Fi experience. This is where 7SIGNAL came into play. 

Our team labored tirelessly to optimize and guarantee the reliability of the Wi-Fi network within Sphere. We understood that, within such an avant-garde entertainment space, each connection needed to be as extraordinary as the Sphere itself. We are proud to affirm that we delivered on this commitment. 


The work at Sphere stands as a remarkable testament to human innovation and ingenuity. It is a symbol of our capacity to push the boundaries and redefine what is achievable in the realms of entertainment and technology. At 7SIGNAL, we consider it a distinct privilege to have played a pivotal role in this extraordinary accomplishment. 

As Sphere continues to captivate audiences with its revolutionary experiences, we remain steadfast behind the scenes, ensuring that Wi-Fi connectivity remains as seamless as the performances themselves. We eagerly anticipate a long and mutually beneficial partnership with Madison Square Garden and Sphere as they persist in pushing the frontiers of what is conceivable in live entertainment. 

In the grand tapestry of Las Vegas, Sphere shines as a beacon of innovation, and 7SIGNAL is immensely proud to have contributed to this unforgettable spectacle. Together, we are ushering in the future of entertainment, one impeccably reliable Wi-Fi connection at a time.